8 TOP REASONS why you should hire a Wedding Planner
Amazing weddings do not happen out of sheer luck. We work extremely hard to hand select the most beautiful locations and the best service suppliers all across the Italian Peninsula.
We help you through the paperwork and the logistics to ensure your wedding event is a success.
We specialize in full-service planning and design weddings to create gorgeous events that keep your guests excited, engaged and partying. Whether you decide to have a traditional ceremony or throw caution to the wind, we are here to make it happen. Hiring a Wedding Planner (that is us!) eases a lot of the headache. Let's have a look at the top reasons below.

1. Flexibility
We tailor our services to meet your needs, your dreams and requirements. We organise all types of ceremonies, from weddings for just the bride and groom, up to formal events for hundreds of guests.